Charity is at the very heart of our Catholic faith. “Charity” is in fact just another word for love. The most important commandment Jesus gave was “Love God with all your heart, and your neighbour as yourself.” Loving, learning and serving are at the heart of our Mission Statement, and we are proud of Saint Mary’s historic commitment to charity.

Our children will learn to give, to be kind and generous to others in need, whether nearby in our community, through support of Caritas Diocese of Salford, our local foodbank, or charities like Macmillan, or far away through CAFOD. We are proud that every year we raise thousands of pounds to help others in need, in the spirit of Pope Francis’ frequent calls for us to be a “Church of the Poor.” As he says, “Thinking that God is love does us so much good, because it teaches us to love, to give ourselves to others as Jesus gave himself to us and walks with us.

Jesus walks beside us on the road through life. Learning to love and serve enables our children to grow as responsible, compassionate and contributing members of our society.

Fundraising at St Mary’s

Every year we work hard to raise money for various charities. We raise approximately £5000 each year as well as food and other items which we donate! We hold ‘wear your own clothes days’, sales, raffles, collections and more. We choose the charities we support with the help of our pupils.

  • In November we were delighted to be able to support Children in Need.

Christmas 2023

We raised: 

£200 CAFOD

£200 Save the Children

£200 for Alzheimer’s Society

£200 for Microtia UK

Thank you for your support!


Thank you for all the food items donated for our Harvest assembly in October. These were donated to Trinity Food Bank in Radcliffe.

Macmillan Coffee Morning September 2023

We raised approximately £700 for Macmillan through our wonderfully attended coffee morning.

Children in Need

Christmas Fair


Microtia UK

Children’s Society and Alzheimer’s Society

Lent 2023

During Lent 2023 we have fundraised for Cafod, Caritas (including St Joseph’s Penny) and Comic Relief/ Red Nose.

We held a tower building competition using money brought from home, a cake sale, an Easter egg raffle and we took part in the Cafod Lent Walk each Day.

Homeless Project

Families donated gifts for the Homeless Project in Bury! We made up boxes for boys, girls, men and women.

December 2022

Christmas Hampers: Staff donated food for hampers which were given to members of the parish and school community.

Wednesday 21st December

Christmas Dinner and Raffle ticket money- Elf Day/ Christmas Jumper Day/ Concert Raffles

All money raised on Christmas Dinner Day and at our Nativity raffles, will be divided between Alzheimer’s Society, Save the Chidren and CAFOD.

Friday 18th November

Children In Need. We raised over £300 by dressing up in Pudsey clothes, spotty clothes, our pyjamas etc. Thank you!

November 2022

We brought in £1 for a raffle tickets for the Parish Christmas Fair. Thank you!

We brought in bottles for the fair bottle stall and lots of families donated chocolate too!

September 2022

We raised £716 for Macmillan through our coffee morning! Thank you to all our families!

March 2022

We raised £200 for Ukraine by holding a Wear our own clothes day.

Our parents and parishioners can donate with cash at church during Lent or online through Caritas Internacionale.

We raised money for Cafod on Cafod Family Fast Day, 11th March

December 2021

Christmas Hampers: Staff donated food for hampers which were given to members of the parish and school community.

Donations made:

CAFOD £550

This will buy 3 cows, 2 goats, 2 chickens and a Queen Bee!

This was raised through mainly through the EYFS, Year 1 and 2 Christmas concert ticket donations. Although the concerts did not go ahead, parents were happy to donate the proceeds to Cafod.

Children in Need November 2021 £450

The chidren dressed up in fancy dress, pyjamas or their own clothes for this event.

Poppy Appeal November 2021 £415

Alzheimers December 2021 £339.38

The children dressed up in Elf outfits and Christmas jumpers.

During this pandemic year we have been very careful not to ask our parents for too much as we are aware that some of our parents have lost jobs or part of their salaries at this time. However, we believe it is important to continue to fundraise in some way to support others who are in need.

April 2021

Each class raffled Easter eggs in aid of Cafod and Caritas (Cornerstone)

We raised £425!

We donated Easter eggs and cards to parishioners and to residents in care homes.

March 2021

Cafod Walk for Water

Although this day was before the full reopening of school, we encouraged our families to learn about the Cafod Walk for Water and if possible to send in a donation in a decorated envelope on their return to school.

November/ December 2020

We once again undertook our Reverse Advent Calendar and asked for donations of food and other items to donate to the homeless.

We collected: rice and pasta; tins of fish and meat; sugar; tins of soup and beans; shampoo and conditioner; hand wash and hand gel; socks, hats, gloves and sleeping bags.

We passed on the large number of donations to ‘Red door’ Caritas at Bury who couldn’t believe how much our families had donated!

In conjunction with the parish we collected boxes of chocolates which we donated to two of our local residential homes for their residents and staff. We collected approximately 125 boxes which we dropped off along with cards the children made.

The staff and parishioners collected items to create Christmas hampers for families and parishioners. We made approximately 20 hampers full of: Christmas cake; mince pies; chocolate; biscuits; sweets, cakes and more!

Spring Term 2020


Collections of food for Cornerstone

St Joseph’s Penny (Caritas)

The children all took home a St Joseph’s Penny Box to collect their coins in during Lent.

Autumn Term 2019


Collections of food for Cornerstone

Leaving Collection for Father James

We raised over £600 for Father James’s leaving gift!

Cafod Family Fast

Donations for Cafod of money and food for Cornerstone.

Christmas Fair in aid of church

3 weeks of ‘Wear Your Own Clothes Days’ in November leading up to the Parish Christmas Fair.

Week 1: £1 for a raffle ticket

Week 2: Chocolate

Week 3: Bottle

We supported church to raise approximately £4000!

Advent Service (Year 6 parents only)

Donations of toys, gifts and selection boxes for children at RMCH.

Year 2 Nativity (Year 2 parents only)

Raffle tickets and donations for CAFOD £220

EYFS Nativity (FS1 and FS2 parents only)

Raffle tickets and donations for Christie’s £200

Elf Day (whole school)

Wear Your own clothes day in aid of Alzheimer’s Society. £200

Christmas Jumper Day (whole school)

Wear a Christmas top/ outfit £1 for Save the Children. £200

We raised approximatley £900 for the four charities: CAFOD, Christies, Alzheimer’s Society and Save the Children.

Advent Fundraising (whole school)

Empty Advent Calendar collections for Cornerstone and various other homeless charities in Radcliffe and Bury. Food, toiletries, sleeping bags etc.

Amazing amount of donations!

A lovely email from Sister Maria at Cornerstone.

Dear Staff & Pupils,
On behalf of Sister Lucy, thank you all so much for your wonderful gifts of Food items, Toiletries, Sleeping Bags, Torches and so much more, incredible the amount of good things you have blessed us with.
This is a real blessing for so many homeless and needy people, thank you all so much.
Girls, boys you certainly have earned a school holiday. Thank you for all the hard work you all did, and too for such a great variety of goods that we really needed. You have made so many people here really very happy and feeling good about themselves because you all cared enough to give.
You are wonderful young people, and a credit to your school. Bless you all!
A word of thanks also to your teachers, parents and guardians, everyone who supported and encouraged you. God Bless and reward all who gave so willingly and generously.
This comes with our gratitude and every good wish for a truly Happy and Blessed Christmas and New Year. Shalom.
Sincerely in Christ. Sr. Maria, fmsj