Please see the structure of our school day at St Mary’s.
07:30- Breakfast club begins
08:45- Children enter school
08:55- Gates are closed and registers are taken in class. Any children arriving after this time must do so through the school office and receive a late mark.
10:25- LKS2 Break time (15 minutes)
10:45- UKS2 Break time (15 minutes)
11:00 KS1 Break time (15 minutes)
12:00- KS1 Lunch time (1 hour)
12:15- KS2 Lunch time (1 hour)
14:50- End of the school day EYFS
15:10- End of the school day KS1
15:15- End of the school day KS2
17:45- After school club ends
Total hours within a week: 32.5