At St Mary’s, we are dedicated to enhancing our curriculum in accordance with our mission statement, “Filled with the wisdom of Mary, we nurture a love of learning; serve others with compassionate hearts and live life to the full as children of God” We aim to deepen our students’ understanding and appreciation of their faith through a variety of enrichment activities, while also promoting intellectual curiosity and creativity. Our approach harmonizes spiritual growth with academic excellence, providing a comprehensive education that equips our students to face challenges with compassion and resilience. By offering engaging activities and customized programs, we empower our students to explore, learn, and thrive in a supportive Catholic environment.
The best place to keep up to date with our curriculum enrichment activities is our school Twitter/X account, which you can see below
We have had a very exciting start to our INSET this morning, experimenting with our new visualisers and how this creates further strategies for adaptive teaching. #stmarysradcliffeCPD
We started our INSET day with a moment of quiet reflection in our staff worship. #stmarysradcliffecatholiclife
Penguins have taken over the Foundation Stage Unit! Some we made together, they cut others out independently and we love the ones you made at home with your child! #stmarysradcliffeeyfs @StMarysRCRad #stmarysradcliffeDT
We remembered how we are welcomed at church when we gather to hear the good news. We listened to the gospel and know that Jesus loves the little children. We made our own mini Bibles.#stmarysradcliffecatholiclife @StMarysRCRad
Fieldwork in Radcliffe today, tallying parks, cafés, historic spots. We compared to Innsbruck, Austria. Both have rivers at their heart, but Innsbruck has mountains, and we have shops and restaurants. Small towns, big contrasts !#stmarysradcliffegeography @StMarysRCRad
We had great fun trying to free the penguins from the ice! We have been learning about Antarctica and the penguins that live there. @StMarysRCRad #stmarysradcliffeeyfs
Today, the children learned about St. Valentine’s Feast Day and the meaning behind this special celebration. Since we’re not in school tomorrow, they were thrilled to receive their Valentine’s gifts a day early! ❤️
Sometimes we like to settle down with a good book, either on our own or with a friend.📖 📕 #stmarysradccliffeforestschool @4W_MissWalmsley @StMarysRCRad
Today we made our own bible. We coloured & placed a cross on the front, drew a picture of Jesus and them, and a big smiley face on the back. We like to listen to good news from the bible. The good news that Jesus loves us. @StMarysRCRad #stmarysradcliffeRE