Sickness and Diarrhoea
If your child has a stomach bug, they must not return to school for 48 hours after the last time they are sick or have diarrhoea.
Medicines in school
If your child is on antibiotics that must be taken 3 times per day, we cannot give it in school time. You are welcome to call in at lunchtime and administer it yourself.
If your child is on antibiotics that must be taken 4 times per day, we can give your child their lunchtime dose, but please note that we cannot be held responsible if for some reason the dose is missed or given late. You are welcome to call in at lunchtime and administer it yourself.
We cannot give calpol or paracetamol unless prescribed by a doctor for a specific illness.
For specific issues relating to your child, please make an appointment to speak to Mrs Gerrard, who deals with child welfare matters.
Diarrhoea and/or vomiting
German measles/rubella
Hand, foot and mouth disease
Head Lice
Cold Sores
Slapped cheek
Whooping cough
Medical Information Form
Each year we send home a form requesting medical information for your child. it is your responsibility to return this to school by the closing date indicated on the letter. This information will then be included in our school medical book and shared with relevant staff.
If your child’s medical conditions change or they develop a condition during the academic year, it is your responsibility to complete a new medical form and return it to school asap.
Request for Administration of Medicine Form
If your child needs to be given medicine during school time, by a member of staff, please complete this form on each occasion and hand it in at the office.
If your child has asthma, a ‘Request for Administration Form’ must also be completed. If the dosage changes during the year, the form must be updated.
Please note that we can only administer the dosage prescribed on the box.
Emergency Asthma Inhaler
In school we have an emergency inhaler for occasions when a child’s inhaler is lost, broken or runs out. Please note that only the children whose parents have signed the ‘Emergency Asthma Inhaler Form’ can use this.