Click on the sections below to explore and learn more about the Computing curriculum at St Mary’s.

Intent: Why we teach Computing?

The Computing in the National Curriculum expectations split the teaching and learning of Computing into three strands:

·         Computer Science

·         Digital Literacy and

·         Information Technology

It is therefore important that children recognise the difference between what makes each one relevant to their future, as well as their everyday lives. High quality teaching of Computing, from Reception through to Year 6, utilises a combination of practical lessons and theory lessons designed to promote discussion and nurture understanding, which are also relevant to other areas of the curriculum such as PSHE and Citizenship.

Children will recognise when the use of technology is effective and when it enhances their understanding or the ability to carry out a task. They will use technology across a range of platforms and within a range of curriculum subjects. Children will learn to make decisions about the use of technology, when to use it and what technology to use.

Impact: What computing gives to our children?

Our children have a rapidly developing understanding of computer systems and how they work. They are able to use different devices and applications to carry out a variety of tasks and are aware of the benefits and pitfalls of using technology. They use technology in a safe and respectful way and are aware of how to stay safe online and what is and isn’t acceptable. They gain a variety of skills over their time at St. Mary’s and can then apply this to be able to solve problems and make links across other areas of the curriculum. They progress well throughout each year group.

Feedback and marking is done at the point of contact wherever possible. Children use technology across many subject in the curriculum. They have access to PCs and iPads on a weekly basis.

Miss Green- Computing Lead